Entering Expressions

In a number of places in the application see prompts a pencil icon next to a field. as shown in the following.

This is a sign that a JavaScript expression can be entered

What is JavaScript

JavaScript is a dynamic programming language with fairly wide used in the Web Development community.

For more information on JavaScript see the JavaScript Wikipedia entry.

Why are you using JavaScript?

The Global Document Portal is based around client flexibility. Namely, flexibility to configure the application in a manner that meets the business's needs, with little to no additional costs from the software provider. JavaScript high adoption rate made it the perfect language to allow customers to define their unique business logic within the application.

Does my JavaScript need to be valid?

The system will check that your expression are valid before you proceed. but at the end of the day, it is the responsibility of the person entering the JavaScript to ensure it meets the business'.

What happens if I enter an invalid expression?

The worst that can happen is that an express will be resolved to null. or in the case of a infinite loop, built in checks will automatically stop any scripts that runs for longer than 500ms.

These built in measures minimize adverse effects that end users can create.

Where are JavaScript Expression used

Below is a brief list of areas that use expressions

Do I have access to JavaScript Methods?

Yes, standard methods are available.